The Data Science Cluster was created in the Industrial Engineering Degree Program
The group of graduates that promotes it also presented the elective subject Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, aimed at Industrial Engineering students.

A group of graduates from the Arfitec program, the OSS Master and the jointly-run doctorate (all jointly managed between UTNBA and Université de Technologié de Troyes in France), created the Data Science Cluster within the framework of UTNBA’s Industrial Engineering Department.
The group, called “Industrial Engineering Counsellor Network”, is composed of Sebastián Pinto, Matias Callara, Agustin Velázquez and Martín Palazzo.
In the presentation made last Tuesday, June 19, in the Aula Magna of UTN Buenos Aires, the elective subject Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, aimed at Industrial Engineering students, was also presented.
“We believe that we are in a dynamic context, of great complexity, because the engineer’s training necessarily has to include updated, dynamic and complex tools,” said Pinto at the opening of the event. We are working on being able to accompany these processes experienced in the degree program. And we have generated a space for discussions, debate and ideas, from where we seek to strengthen our degree program and our School.”
During the presentation, the Dean of UTNBA, Eng. Guillermo Oliveto, an Industrial Engineering graduate himself, also spoke: “It is difficult to convey what I feel right now. I am a product of the public University, and of what we call university militancy. When you dream of a School of Engineering, you dream of these things: the School embarking on an international project such as a cooperation with France through the ARFITEC program; the fact that it derives in a jointly-run Master’s program with a University such as the Technological University of Troyes; that then leads to a double doctorate, which is new for this University, and that later has an impact on the undergraduate program. That is a dream. And it’s what this group of dreamers is doing.”
In that sense, Oliveto added: “I want to pay homage to a serial dreamer, the factotum of all this we are seeing, Eng. Raúl Sack”.
Next, a collective interview was held with four young specialists in Data Science: Agustín Velázquez, Industrial Engineer from UTNBA, who completed his OSS Master in France, specializing in Machine Learning and who is currently a Data Mining consultant; Marcos Gatti, Information Systems Engineer and teacher at UTNBA, specialized in data visualization; Sergio Banchero, UTNBA electronic engineer, who holds a Master’s degree in data mining from UBA and is a Data Mining consultant; and Martín Palazzo, Industrial Engineer and teacher of UTNBA, who is doing his doctorate in Machine Learning and Biomedicine.
Subsequently, Eng. Martín Palazzo gave the audience details of the new elective course.
At the end of the meeting, Campus France representatives offered the attendees information about training programs in France.